Your Body is a Battleground · Barbara Kruger · 1989
Style: Avant-Garde
+ Russia Constructivism
Genre: social activism
+ propaganda
art shows
, buildings
Kruger converted the language of advertising, where dramatic photographs were juxtaposted with harsh declarative slogans, into a language of art and protest. She explored the dynamics of gender and social power in American society through combining black/white photography with red/black rules and Futura bold italic type. Her use of red/black color scheme and photography traces back to Russian Constructivists avant-garde influences. In a way Kruger's style is partly a postmodern appropriation of found photography and partly a historicist revival of the avant-garde. In the poster Your Body is a Battleground, she uses a positive-negative dichotomic photography to establish a central axis. It was reappropriated to publicize a protest march in Washington DC in 1989.