Obey · Shepard Fairey · 1990
Style: propaganda
+ Pop Art
and Avant Garde
Genre: counter culture
+ commercial
store fronts, walls,
, buildings
record stores
movie theaters
streets, mailboxes, phone booths, signs, parking meters, streetlights, trashcans
Fairy’s Obey poster campaign is an experiment of Martin Heidegger’s concept of phenomenology. Obey posters appear on almost any public surface possible. Some adapted to these posters finding the image itself amusing and nonsensical. Others considered it pure vandalism with distaste. Those who grew fond of the stickers saw them as a collectable item because of their familiarity; to own them provides for a memento. Therefore, Fairey was able to turn Obey into an actual merchandising brand. BNE and Fairey share the primary desire of having their symbols everywhere for the public to see; to have the same privilege as corporations who have their logos everywhere.