Pager |
Smoke Signals |
Telegraph |
Twitter |
Pagers, beepers, do people still use beepers? Medical people, they are still useful for some, but for the most part, I don't see anyone carrying their beepers with them, mostly everyone relies on their cell-phones or text messages. Except beepers are much more limited. I think it would be awesome if my mom got a hold of me only through a beeper. I'm pretty sure that guys would love it if their girls could only say stuff through this.
Smoke signals would be awesome if you were stranded on the island, but here you'd be jailed for trying to start a fire, like trying to send a horse in the middle of the night to tell your friend good-night, you just don't do that. I'm pretty sure they were effective, there might be people who owe their life to these smoke signals. But man, to start a fire, I think of matches, but back then it was flint and stone. That tells you something about those people, they knew how to start a fire.
Telegraphs, they were very very useful back then, I think it helped a lot during the war and stuff like that, telegraphs wwere the cell-phones of back then, my telegraph machine was legit. I don't have to travel hours, weeks, days it's gonna get there. And it did, saving a lot of lives and confusing a lot of people.
When I think about Twitter, I think about television stars or icons. It's a good way to let people know what you are doing every second of the day, but it's also kind of creepy, obviously there are Hollywood stars, and people feel like they know them personally, "I know where my homie's at", like with Ashton Kutcher and his crazy tweets about his wife. But then a regular person tweeting all the time...why would I like to know that you are digesting? Twitter travels faster than earthquakes, better than a seismographs, like in Chile, people knew about it before a seismograph.